Automatically Upload Zoom Cloud Recordings to Dropbox

Automatically Upload Zoom Cloud Recordings to Dropbox makes it easy to automatically back up your Zoom Cloud Recordings to Dropbox, among other cloud destinations. Automatically uploading your Zoom recordings to Dropbox is free with no monthly subscriptions. A premium subscription unlocks other destinations such as Google Drive, OneDrive, and YouTube.

1. Sign into using your Zoom account.

2. Select the Dropbox backup destination

3. If you're already logged into Dropbox, it will automatically pair with your account. If you aren't logged into Dropbox, log into your Dropbox account and grant permission to
Want to pair with a different Dropbox account? Go to Dropbox, log out of your current account and log back in with the correct account.

4. Scroll to the right of "Backup Locations" and click on "Options" to configure your advanced settings.